My advanced functions teacher isn't human bro
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
From Failure to FAANG
you aren’t better than anyone😛
Best program for creative writing(as in, writing fiction books)?
What's your planned university/college major
Anyone taking SES4U?
Should I hit submit??
AITA for telling my boyfriend (22M) that his opinion doesn’t decide whether I get a breast reduction?
What's the most useless class you ever taken in HS
Is it still acceptable for men to open doors for women?
Do you consider it toxic for parents to remove their child’s door?
Do recovered alcoholics need to stay 100% dry for the rest of their lives, or can they have a beer every once in a while with no issues?
This hand me down kinda slays??
How can I get volunteer hours this time of year?
Raped By My Father - AMA
I’m 22 and I just got sterilized, AMA
Trying to decide between unis for psych program
Sometimes I really wish my breasts were different
Is king of scars & rule of wolves worth reading?
My dad is 70 while im 15 AMA
Please, I need help
I suffer from severe somatic clinical lycanthropy, AMA
Dream Setlist
AM quotes to use for graduation?