Newcomer blown away
SIMPLINK Message Keeps Reappearing
Who's your favorite Scientologist?
Still using Internet Explorer
Finally coming to terms with his receding hairline
DoG wItH bRoKeN nEcK rEsUrReCtEd WiTh ThE pOwEr Of ToUcH!
100% Derp
[homemade] Dutch Baby w/ raspberry & chocolate sauce
English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich w/ Sweet Black Pepper Bacon
Skillet Shepards Pie. [recipe in comments]
Breakfast Sandwich prep
remember oceans 8? yeah neither does anyone fucking else.
What're you playing this weekend? 12/2
Possessed? Asleep? I can't decide
F2P for over a year, finally found some luck.
There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.
Forever in the Friend Zone
He'd rather be biting at the vacuum
I Need Them
It's Getting Humid, Stay Hydrated
How are you going to start/complete Sunbreak? Solo? with friends? or with randoms? also which weapon you using? I'm gunna go IG Solo.
Monster Hunter: World. Worth playing now?
What song do you associate with Always Sunny when you hear it?
Every day is a struggle