Enoki Mushrooms?
What is absolutely necessary for your mental health?
Anyone else remember Krishnacore?
How tf do you even pick a career
Looking for your favorite international cuisine/restaurant recommendations!
First record you bought with your own money + first punk record?
Started this 4 days ago, 16h of work, ofc so focused like never but omg I have never had such a calm mind
Thursdaily ya’ll
What do modern punks wear now to identify / make friends like people did in '77 / '82?!
What's a 10/10 movie you'd never watch again?
Punks view on this ethical dilemma?
How does one afford meat
What profession or career field tends to attract the weirdest people?
RVA needs more options for public transportation
Favorite can’t live without kitchen gadget
Unsexiest things RVA mayor can do?
Your top 5 punk/hardcore albums of all time
Anybody have PDA affect their hobbies?
Anyone still listen to that music you grew up with?
Do you see this bathroom in your dreams?
Romani scam in supermarkets
If you had a least $1M would you still get married?