One more epic?
Trying to get all trophies as disabled gamer(problems with the following...)
#3 for the Year
Are 2H weapons clearly "the best"?
If you have a question for the 100%
most impressive/proud 100% in your library?
Achievements not popping
Microsoft moving ahead with new Xbox console despite cross-platform strategy
Bad news my fellow Nightreign Network Test participants on Xbox :(
Second completion of the year!
RoboCop 100%
End game
Xbox achievements
Any other brutal combat games like Ryse Son of Rome and Mad Max?
Do you consider it complete without the DLcs?
Dynasty Warriors Origins - First full completion of 2025
New Patch 1.2.0b
Xbox Achievements not unlocking or tracking anymore
I own a 7up Distribution company and just got the rights to Ghost, what are the best flavors?
Series X Performance
I’ve lost so much fucking progress because of all these crashes.
Praise be to retro/mom and pop stores still around
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
Bowangpo Challenge
Lu Bu No Hit Ultimate Warrior Podao Kill