Buldak ramen
How are you supposed to shave your balls?
Anything to get out of doing chores!❄️
Biblically unclean
Ah yes, setting yourself on fire for TikTok clout. Truly groundbreaking.
Kid showing off their incredible mathematic talent🤯
Look ma, no hands!
We’re all going to Hell
Would you like to buy this overpriced chocolate bar to help us cover the costs of our band uniforms?
Guy Loses Home But Can't Acknowledge Climate Change Is The Cause
anyone else tried these? some of them are not bad
I hope the cancel culture vultures get this
glad that he alive
DAE feel nothing at all while sober?
DAE like to watch movies in a theater solo?
DAE randomly feel horny during the day and the only way to make it go away is to rub one out?
DAE have a comfort movie that they never get sick of?
Was there a lot of fanfare in the US around the Bicentennial in 1976?
Imagine you’ve just sat down for drinks with friends, or with your date. But you look over and see this man walk in. What immediately starts going through your head?
What slang word are you sick of hearing
Anyone here into comedic horror movies?
Random: what is this building north of downtown kalamazoo
Are there any other movies - like I,Robot - that are named after books that they are not based on?
My kid got a game for Christmas that included a 'hot dog' character..
Do you think it’s Fair?