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Characters taking ages to load - any fixes?
iPhone 12 Pro Max - Blank screen after display replacement
Accidentally discovered a prompt which gave me the rules ChatGPT was given.
BREAKING Curtea Constituțională a cerut renumărarea voturilor și a amânat pentru vineri deciziile privind validarea turului 1 și cererea de anulare a rezultatului
Fireweed Megathread
🎉 Thank goodness, I was tired of being broke 🎉
Any reputable blacklist removal/sim unlock sites?
iPhone 12 Pro Max green screen after earpiece replacement?
About dam time
Can I reset an iPhone with FMI off?
Factory reset icloud unlocked device
iPhone 12 Pro Max black screen/broken display?
Just ordered 5 beys from China, am I cooked?
Question about shipping
Transfer intre facultati diferite
is town of salem 2 worth it to buy?
Unboxed my 26kg haul !!!
Unde as putea repara papucii ăștia ?
In Need of Advice from an Introvert's Mind