Just got this pretty little guy. He needs a name
Y’all made me do it. $40 at home goods! Cant wait to paint it
Found in NOYGDB
Spotted at my local HomeGoods
Just got 6 of my dream fish (CPDs) for $5.99 each! Gonna drip acclimate them for 3 hours.
[SW Florida] Small bird very cute
How to make busy season better for my CPA boyfriend?
[FS] - Illinois - $5+ - Fish For Sale. Pea Puffer, Rasboras, Loach, Corydoras,, Badis, Rainbowfish, Frontosa, Barbs, Snails,Plants, Etc.
Do you think Michiganders have more in common with Canadians or the average American?
I just got engaged! Now help me choose my wedding band
Can anyone tell me anything about these large hoop earrings inherited from my Gma?
Married couples’ vocabulary sizes align, hinting at selection based on intelligence cues | Even after controlling for years of marriage, a substantial correlation between partners’ vocabulary sizes remained, indicating that vocabulary size was likely an important factor in choosing a partner.
Estate find. What are the reddish orange stones?
6 year relationship. When to call it quits?
Is Spanish the only language that uses the upside-down question marks and exclamations at the beginning of sentences?
What type of hair do I have? Why is it so frizzy?
i’m 20. why do i have wrinkles this prominent?
Which languages have you read Harry Potter in?
Per què molts valencians diuen que “pos” està mal dit però després ho diuen tot el temps?
Share your most embarrassing language learning mistake
I (20m) was recently at a birthday party, and every couple (All between 18f-22m) there went to the bathroom together at least once. wtf were they doing?
What type of plant is this?
What are some (traditionally) feminine names that don’t have masculine origins or equivalents?
[GA] - Lansing, MI - female betta
What is a habit / quirk you picked up from an ex-SO but still do to this day?