From a mans perspective do you think women know men aren't appreciated?
Communicate less
We won the grand!!
Is it rude for me to ask my boyfriend to clean up his beard? (30f,29m)
hotel job interview
This may be a ridiculous thought but...
How are Americans so successful at the Olympics?
The fall before the rise - epic comeback
New to this. Advice please.
Hey leaders, do you ever break character and show visible frustration (raise your voice) in meetings?
Why do some people function perfectly fine on 4 hours of sleep while others need a full 8+ just to survive?
To what extend is someone considered american?
Brutal day at work but it worked out
Stuck around long enough to catch one good roll on the auto bubble stadium
Concert Etiquette
Found Stolen and stripped Nissan
Ever just use a slice of bread for a bun?
crops NOT used in cooking
Just was offer d an in house consultation
What happens if you tell a staff member you feel unwell?
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Looking for Playtesters for My Roguelike Craps Game!
What’s your least favorite consulting jargon?
Where do you place the mini-obelisks on your farm?
1980's hair, a requiem