Is this stuff asbestos or dust and I bought the gp5 with no filter
Are the tsh 4m tanker helmets safe to own and wear from asbestos?
Today’s new 💿
ROBOCOP Art by Philippe Le Van
Ella Purnell as Omega
What movie scene made you feel like this
Anyone else make lists of CDs they desperately want?
My Top 25 pop records
best to worst of my music taste, judge me, guess my age, all that
Someone forgot to delete old photos
LEGO Spider Tank
Brisk Record
the woman next to me stretched out her leg into my leg space on the plane
This birthday card my daughter made for me
Looking for an off brand version of the Hebi 'Snake' Lamp by Isao Hosoe
Haunted (OC)
Karaoke by the river valley
well thats my christmas ruined thanks alot mezco what kind of pathetic joint is that? i was really excited to get this set just for this to happen, all i did was rotate the arm and the fucking thing broke off i expect better for how much this costs unacceptable
What watch is this?
Ghost in the shell spider tank lego moc
Ghost in the shell spider tank moc
New clone base moc I made
Custom commando photo shoot
LEGO sets in retail stores?