She's small, sweet, and needs a name
He's energetic, sweet, and curious. He needs a name
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
I have created a Collection Tracker in Notion that automatically syncs new cards!
[Online][5E][CST/GMT-5] Another Adventurer Needed!
[Online][5E][CST/GMT-5] Adventurer's Needed Please!
SinGlE swat MemBEr KIlls 2 TERroRists
Beetle(?) found in Texas. ~ .5 inches in length.
[TOMT][Video]Old YouTube cartoon music video with a man that wears a shoe that.
[TOMT][Video]Cartoon Music Video on YouTube starring a character with a shoe that covering his disfigured face.
Need to vacuum the rug, but who is this little fella? (Texas)
Mine tunnel experience so far
How badly our vendors are screwing up directly relates to our departmental performance? Okay... sure...
What’s a controversial music opinion that you have?
Community Q&A - Get Your Questions Answered!
Great examples of how different languages sound like to foreigners
Halo 3 odst did it first
How are bears a racial term to Native Americans?
What’s the best way to adapt Berserk into a game ?
[Online] [5e] [GMT-5] Ghosts Of Saltmarsh, Calling All Adventurers
Can someone tell me what kind of bug this is? It's the only picture we got before he took off. It was taken awhile ago but I believe he is about 2" or so. Found him in Texas.
The Good Ending
Weekly Discussion - Take Some Help, Leave Some help!
The Sunless Citadel Reforged - Fortress Level - Modding Modules