I was taking photos on my ride through LA and only saw this car when i looked through the photos later. What is this car?
Picked up my first tube amp over the weekend (Vox ac4c1)
Caught my side table looking very 2002 (except maybe the airpods)
Im late to the party but watching this for the first time tonight :)
Honda Accord ES, CG9, 2.0i, 147hp,
TS101 only going up to 20v (45W)
Just wanted to post this
If you have to choose, then what vehicle you'd pick to go outside,bicycle, bike, car or not gonna bother at all?
4gb ram and Debian installed on the £10 x200
Wanted to add this to my collection for a while. Managed to pick it up for £2 locally
There once was a tiger striped cat
Any good visual books about Cowboy Bebop?
Why was Cowboy Bebop (anime) cancelled in Japan?
my pins 😍😍
How long have you been an hikikomori?
Father’s Day gift from my daughter
My recent lucky find KV-14V6U
What is the point of episode 16?
My Faye Valentine cosplay!
Faye Valentine & Ed and Ein Pop Up Parades have gone up for preorders just now
My Spike cosplay at an anime convention today. All credit goes to my gramdma!
A fun OVA from the 90s. This is the 2002 DVD release
Some other high quality pictures(some are a bit strange) of the episode 24
i love these semi-realistic illustrations of spike and faye
Space Lion hits hard