Has anyone tried SUNLU PLA +?
Scooters under $400?
What does OP mean
9 Security Features Of The United States $100 Dollar Bill
Five days later…
damn what are you doing with that ssd
3D Printed Angled 50mm driver Headphones
Don’t forget to open your printer’s doors when printing PLA on hot summer days.
How can I get a better surface on this underside that needed supports?
X1C Combo + Cold plate = Lots of problems getting PLA prints to stick to the bed
They’re in the cabinets
Beyerdynamics DT 1770 pro bad sound quality?
My cat found a way to bypass my blinds
This is fine…
She gives me 0$ tips + 1 star rating + nasty attitude ..worst customer I ever had
Ah yes, computer
[deleted by user]
Programmer Humor will be shutting down indefinitely on June 12th to protest Reddit's recent API changes which kill 3rd party apps.
Mavis by Torrida minis
Typical LTT Fan
Another 300% scale Lego Technic is printed and ready to assemble. Spool for scale
Why do people only seem to mean cars when they talk about electric and/or autonomous vehicles?
People that do this Are the A$$hold
Cedar bed swing & frame build. I had about 40hr in it total, sold for $1,200 and profited about $500. Too cheap? Lol