The ambiguity of same sex relationships being against God or not is killing me
Are there any verses that specifically speak to you or connect to you as a lgbtq Christian?
What do you guys think of leather lifestyle?
1997 is the very first year of Gen Z. Period.
I need a lot of prayer right now
How do I become Christian?
What do you guys do to resist urges?
why some men commit rape?
Best way to read the Bible as a complete beginner?
Christians Terrorized Around the Globe: How Murder, Torture, Mayhem Point to Growing Persecution
What's the appropriate response when someone says not everyone is going too make it too Heaven?
How do you reconcile being a Christian with the pain caused by Christianity?
How often should communion be?
Addicted to porn
There is no founding in the Bible for thinking asexuality is a sin.
I'm a Christian but I don't like Tom McDonald's music.
How to come to terms with being trans and christian??
Gay couples who have kids? Is it fair to the kids?
What on Christian ethics and incest?
Do you masturbate?
Vatican and same sex
I found Diablo 4 for one cent at the store I work for😭
How did prostitutes did not end up having pregnant that much in mediveal period of roman empire?