Dudes (or females lol) in this trade. What the f did my father in law do to us?
Got a cockatiel
Is 7 years old too young for a child to clean up their bedroom on their own?
1 yr with minor cut on knuckles… doctor asking why we didn’t go to ER
Losing tail feathers/color of calamus?
Suggestions on a bird?
What does this mean? He does this frequently
What colour mutation is he?
Medical Abortion and only 2 drops of blood
These are her only pictures. Please give it a try.
Is she stupid?
2nd round of Wellbutrin and acne is already insane. Going on week two. This is “healing” ATM.
Found out today that my “elderly” female is only 5 years old (hatched in 2019) This brings me pure joy 🤩 Found out my male is 13 (female was supposed to be 15 and he was supposed to be 10) lol
AITAH for telling my wife I’d rather her mom be homeless than let her move in with us?
My Happy Bean has had incredible growth! June to November!
[OC] My Happy Bean has had incredible growth! June to November!
To the woman who said she’d clean up her child’s throw up.
Restaurant life, am I right or am I right?
Guys I got my umbrella a new cage and it is HUGE
Cigarette smell out of long time smokers clothing and blankets?
I was very lucky
Adopting two bonded cockatiels
What is your go to soup?