How the fuck are you guys able to get through college??
Just curious if there's anyone who doesn't vomit drinking this.
Websites for finding rooms to rent?
In a tough situation, need some advice
Is it possible to have been sexually abused as a child and repress the memories?
Medication stopped my period?
Ex Xanax addict. I know I know go ahead and get your jokes in.
Butt rash?
My bipolar people on Lamictal induced insomnia, what do you take to help you sleep. I’m tired taking an antipsychotic just to sleep.
What is the hardest part about living with Bipolar2 disorder?
Anyone else on Zeposia?
Cosmos ( Credit: Cathrin Machin )
After childcare, what career have you pursued?
Do any of you ever have this feeling?
What movie blew your mind when you first saw it?
People feel energized after a workout?
Does anyone stay in bed on weekends during a flare?
for those who had SSRI induced hypomania/mania while still being undiagnosed
Experiences with mesalamine suppositories?
Manic spending
Does anyone have any experience with Zeposia?
Thoughts on taking recreational drugs with Bipolar 2
I am in indescribable pain