Age difference .
Age difference yako na mtu wako isipite ngapi?
How old is your phone
Broken Homes
I was having a good day until...
What gift do you wish to receive?
How many interviews are you guys getting per month?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink its time to go." What will be your response?
Controversial: Bullies are necessary in society.
Why do we still obsess over virginity?
On Successful Women
I’d appreciate your honest opinion
Bestie marriage deal
Young , Famous and African
Available Gas
I'm afraid of Tiktok
A little culture shock
Why Americans might go to Heaven, and Kenyans won’t
It’s coming sooner than you think
Reminisce on some good old Kenyan photos.
Should I Tell My Neighbor The Walls Are Thin or Stay Clear?