Anyone else have any stories of dead on admission/transfer patients?
What’s the strangest allergy and reaction combos you’ve seen on a chart?
painful penetration with my fwb
White House unveils $5 billion plan to blanket US highways with new electric-car chargers
Choose your closed loop system fighter ⭐️
AITA for refusing to move on?
Got this tattoo to cover up self harm scars. I started self harming when I was in 6th grade all the way up until my sophomore in college. so far i’ve been 4 years self harm free!!!! (gorilla tattoos, OKC)
Learned something interesting tonight!
Mental Health and Control over Blood Sugars
How involved are your clinical instructors on days you’re at site?
A patient I advocated for died last night and I’m angry that the doctors didn’t listen to me
Do nurses really look down on those who work in OB??
Question about ketones
Does anyone miss ibuprofen?
Gossip cop at the salon today
These randomized names are really gettin wild
Important question
Hello "Nurses" !! 😁 😂
Another face comparison! I can’t believe the difference! 106lbs down in 6 months!
spices post op?
2 or 1 week pre-op diet?
Does anyone have fast heartbeat in the morning? And shaking? I shake sometimes a lot and others not that much but I hate it. And it worries me. Someone?? I’m almost a month post op.
Sick of it all