excited about new glasses frames!
Would i look good with mullet?
thoughts on using they/he pronouns as a trans guy who doesn't pass?
I think I was misdiagnosed with autism because I understand social cues too intuitively
How to prepare a new apartment for a rabbit?
New Queer Bar Q - What’s the Vibe?
overthinking name change
Is Planet Fitness worth it?
my older cousin said to me 'oh we're all on the spectrum'
Stealth at work and sharing a hotel room with coworkers
What made you certain you wanted top surgery [neurodivergent]?
What do you guys put on your resumes?
Picked this up today, when did The Doors start being classed as goth?
Would it be cringy to name myself Trent after Trent Reznor
How do you find a name for yourself ?
What breed is she
My friends are homophobic/transphobic and I don't know what to do.
Why are straight (?) guys attracted to transmascs?
I really don’t get *any* vices? Dang.
Insight is Appreciated :)
I'm in a relationship with an autistic woman. I love her. I feel lost. I need help.
Looking for advice on navigating a new friendship
How long have you been off weed? Let’s hear it