Thailand mtf surgery
Thailand for mtf surgery
Thailand for mtf surgery?
What made you pick your name?
Hrt and marijuana
I just want a gf so bad
Any trans woman in Seattle?
Beyoncé already told us to “carry on, carry on,” so what are you doing on “post-announcement didn’t happen day?”
Other mtf people, do you wear wigs?
Wearing wigs full time
Starting 2mg Ronfase (Estradiol) for MTF HRT - Seeking Experiences and Advice
I know this question has been asked about 1000 time but ...
How did you realize you were trans?
How do you stay patient?
Shoesize shrinkage
To those who have gone on HRT behind parents back.
Online gaming and a voice that I don't think passes
How long until you got good at makeup?
Story music search engine sucks
Does HRT make you more flexible?
I've figured out that I'm what?
Is my hrt dosage sufficient?
I’m impatient
Best way to add more black to this hoodie?