Advice needed
He just... sat in his lap??
What was your horse named as Arthur?
Enclosure question - is it okay?
Tv Benikoff
My beautiful T. Vagans ❤️🖤
my jade plant is sick
How do you find joy in horror elements of games like Alan Wake 2?
Bought my second mini phal today!
More of my plants.
When I drink alcohol my scar on my thumb lights up like a neon light or lightsaber
Leaves yellowing
New to orchids, is this a flower bud?
First philodendron, which variety?
Dealing with tarantula addiction
New to syngonium, need help with simple anatomy.
What’s a hot take yall have regarding tarantulas?
M. Balfouri appreciation post
Poecilotheria regalis. My dream species is currently sitting on my shelf.
ZZ leaf propagation success!
My gran's crassula
2 months old tradescantia nanouk 🥰
Do you prefer to purchase bigger pants or smaller plants and/or cuttings?
Who dis ?