Roast my quiver
Beacon in chest pocket vs thigh pocket?
M1128 Mobile Gun System (MGS) named 'Child Care' in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. The gun hardly ever worked and it rarely left the FOB.
AirBnBs can never get it right
Something ain’t adding up
What's yalls favorite faction
TIFU by forgetting to mute myself during a virtual meeting… and revealing my deep-seated hatred for office buzzwords
Truss sends cease and desist to Starmer demanding he stop saying she crashed the economy
Is World of Tanks worth getting into if I enjoy World of Warships?
This is the ugliest house I've seen
How Private Equity Ruined Skiing
Small Map Appreciation
Now that's dedication...
Based Virgin Mary
A nation is it's people, America first means Americans first.
any RGB haters?
What is going on with Arcteryx?
If there was a British Military version of Cards Against Humanity, what would be your suggestions for Black (and/or white) Cards.
Last remaining double chevron gold hastati in Rome
My neighbours’ completely unhinged response about her dog barking outside of my bedroom all night. They left the dog outside and went on holiday.
Are robot vacuums really that good in UK homes?
is this salmon okay?
What's East Anglia like?
My dad said this was off of a Saudi Arabian generals car in desert storm does this look legit? Could it be verified?
So where's everyone picking?