Queer ladies, what are you wearing lately?
thin or thick ???
I want my boyfriend to sleep with someone else
What does my fridge say about me?
Any of these worth it?
Looking for dress
Dr Gokhan Ugur Botched plastic surgery, Antalya , Turkey
23M What can i improve?
Where to find a dress like this?
I’m at the worst crossroad about if I look better blonde or darker… any input is so welcome!
Where to find backless halter dress like this?
What am I doing wrong? Clit stimulation
I’ve been told I look like I’m in my 30s but I’m 22…
How does depression show visibly?
I am moving to Germany in 4 days, but the posts here are so depressing
Is this a realistic rhinoplasty request?
Am I a virgin still?
How do I arouse my autistic girlfriend? We don’t know what sexually attracts her and we’re trying to figure it out
Darker or lighter suits me best?
Am I weird for asking someone to fill out a consent form before sex?
perfumes that just smell horrible
Apparently as a man you get value on how much attraction you get from white women
Comment bellow why you disagree⬇️⬇️
Odd comment about my wife’s body
2 of my 3 girls were killed by a raccoon. I miss them both so much 💔 would love some drawings of Caroline and Bennett
How long is too long to wait to pee after sec?