T45 7700 over key west
Telehealth appointment during session
Lost package since September
What’s everyone making in 2025
How does water end back up in your faucet after being released into nature at the water treatment plant?
Question rheem hybrid water heater
Really? Christmas lights on already? BAH HUMBUG!
Water operators. Need assistance with river intake
Update: Amazon won't refund $3000 laptop - you guys were right.
Identifying well horsepower
Looking for duck recommendation
Stop blaming customers for not tipping.
Chonky Girl
Mods, we should be "allowed" to discuss relevant events that affect out hobby regardless of drama.
Does anyone hold their venomous snakes?
Fired for needing brain surgery
Employer help
Tmobile insurance deductible for the P9P Fold are insane
Great way to start off a midnight shift
Anyone hiring in appomattox?
What to do with dead fowl
Treated as an UE driver?
beginner outdoors
Yall. Look at this burrito.