Before smartphones you recorded videos on a camcorder
So instead of a completely new design we get another variation of the shaman. 🤔
Don't say JJk ..
new cheap typa cam, pretty fun material
Drop your wallpaper 🎀
I love Handycams
Estate sale find had the C:31:23 got it for 50
Should a camcorder that can read the tape on the top be able to read the tape on the bottom?
Don’t see these JDM legends often but when I do oooof
Bought this while stationed in Japan
#wotd Squircle
Took it out of hibernation only for the picture! Post yours!
Is it worth it?
Turns out my remote control is actual purple and slightly transparent
Im bored
4th winter with my AWD 350 and its still as beautiful as ever
So I saw this the other day...
any idea?
Selling tools
Camber is life
Awfully Tempting
Am pooping right now
My first thought when I opened a box full of them…
Is there a replica version of this wheel that will properly fit the 3IS (2014-2020)?
where can i get this screen piece replaced?