What's your favorite "toolbox" cards?
Wilds and Mom codes up for grabs. GL
Spare ONE codes i had laying around, enjoy.
Lich player transformation
Oculus Quest 1 is just straight bricked
Mexican owned tequilas to support instead of celebrity brands.
The head.
Take your pick
Ever wanted to make a FF-esque poster with your character? Now you can!
Best duet to date.
What happed to r/music and r/listentothis?
What happened to r/music and r/listentothis?
Nobody: People with Mechanical Keyboards:
Link stopped working
u/johnjuancasa's circle
Getting one-shot as Titania on PoE?
Austin Peay State Univ. Online MLT to MLS program
Giveaway: Overwatch
PUBG Giveaway
What's the least amount of effort for he most amount of up votes you've seen?
I want this as an expression emote.
What's a LPT from medieval times?
PC giveaway!
Have you ever used the guise of April Fools’ Day to confess something completely serious, only to "Tehe April Fools?!” your way out of it? What was the situation and how did it play out?