Interesting video about how TE took down a Bad Gear video using its license terms. What do y'all think?
Some stereo Serge (and Matriarch)
Snippet from my newly paired Serge-based system and Pulsar 23
CAR FLIPPED 38th/Astoria blvd
Jazz + Modular Synth?
Anyone using the Rhodes V8 Pro plugin and have it crash Logic consistently?
Question about a sample playback module
My first time with a two keyboard setup (plus new synth day). It's a lot of fun.
Where can I get this type of keyboard hard case that can double as an enclosure + table for desktop gear/euroracks?
What are you getting better at? And how?
Nord Stage 4 for (Enthusiastic) Hobbyist?
Just how unreliable are the hammer action keybeds on the Nord Stages, really?
Moving to Astoria - thoughts on this location? (eg, neighborhood vibe, things to do, connection to the rest of the city)
Best and Worst Synths/Synth Companies for Quality Control?
What are some unique/versatile MIDI controllers that you are using?
How long do keyboard workstations (e.g. Yamaha Montage M8x) last?
Does anyone else find most synth presets to be “unmusical”?
Basic Chord Using Mults Question
Modern jazz with electronics recommendations
Any recommendations on how to start playing neosoul?
Do you play drop 2 voicings with 2 notes in each hand, or one in the left with 3 in the right? Video example attached
What sequencer do you use?
Pulsar 23 on sale for € 1300...
Does anyone have experience using the Ableton stock instruments with a Linnstrument?
Any love for Eurorack / LinnStrument combo?