Untitled so far, u/joyonadventures, acrylic on canvas with mixed media, 2024
A painting I did or am still working on - it’s hard to tell
My late grandmother
Selections from the Pacific International Quilt Festival
New post series - comment your photos with different themes. Today’s theme: Show us your *worst* photos of your favorite furry clients, (or feathery or scaly) I’ll start.
Rover dog attacked my dog
Why isn’t measuring time part of the metric system?
Its Sunday. Roast Me!
My first quilt for myself and I guess the dog
Painting I did for trade
Beehive in progress
Finished up late for Mother’s Day but on time for my mom’s visit
Fabric pull
Why don’t people fix their dogs?
Starting to come together!
Took a thread painting class!
Anyone not from Group 3 & Int'l want a cat block? I have atleast 1 extra ATM if you're interested in swapping.
Sent off just now
All 16 done!
8 blocks done!
A lil fox
Working on jazzing up my kid’s crayoned-up ikea dresser