Allies need more invis counter
Tiger overperforming? Too effective vs infantry?
Aussie light infantry in need of buf
Just a fairly legit and reasonable question?...
What battlegroups would you like to see in the next DLC?
45% winrate for british teamgames, again
Need of cheaters BAN WAVE asap
Which would you have for Company of Heroes 4?
Guastatori breaks teamgames(?)
Forgot to report chinese maphack player
ELO gain/loss needs to be fixed ASAP
Summary of the Deep Dive Balance Changes
DAK intel disruption beacon needs a nerf
Training for the new Battlegroups. Playing as the pope intended. When things got really bad, just dropped a Stuka loiter.
Whizzbang desperate need of range buff
ELI5 Why is us advanced infantry not a broken commander? Very easy to overwhelm enemy with mass infantry and I struggle to find a weakness. Help?
Steam reviews still below 70% so the game update won't be prioritised?
Was going to buy the Fire & Steel pack...
We have BL4, but no signs of BiA at all.
Tactical move: half-track with anti-tank mine vs two half-tracks
Leave penalty can suck my ass -
Are allied players worse or is game unbalanced?
I completely turn off CoH’s music and play Nolan’s Dunkirk OST tracks instead whenever I play CoH 4v4. Anybody do the same?
I think Neil gone too far with this one.