what’s worse metalhead son or emo daughter
What is the most hurtful insult you have ever received ?
Check your local H Mart!
How is ANYONE affording art??
Never thought I’d get here but it’s so worth it!
Confused on how to fix my abdomen and waist?
TDEE varying on calculators. Help calculating appreciated.
Comedy podcasts that delve into self-confidence?
Cosplayed Johnny yesterday at a local con!
My Trish cosplay over the con weekend!
looking to expand my cosplans list! who should i cosplay?
F/25/4’10” [185lbs>98lbs=87lbs] (3 years) Started a weight loss journey to start cosplaying with more confidence and it’s been a success
My Trish cosplay!
Our new addition, Dutch
my 1998 meryl cosplay from this con weekend!
Best SF syrups for coffee?
causes of ed
full sugar soda. 💔
What's your list of Top 10 Foods You're Really Craving Right Now ?
How long does it take you to lose weight when restricting?
Officially closed our 6 year long distance after meeting through Overwatch! He’s coming home with me!
2023 Meryl cosplay from this Summer
Getting a print signed, quote ideas?
F/24/4’11 [185lbs>109lbs=76lbs] Went on a huge weight loss journey so I could feel comfortable pursuing my passion of cosplay again!
Drove 3 hours with friends to do a desert photoshoot to get photos of my fem!Wolfwood cosplay!