Renovation tasks
Renovation thread
I can’t help but wonder…what is the fate of the remains from the boys who died and where consumed?
Are my dating standards too high? 23F
Oh god I’ve been obsessed with women
sleepless city
Anyone else have sensory issues specific to fingers/nails?
Apperently I ruined the first mother's day for my wife.
Planilha para estudos
Me sinto burro toda segunda-feira na faculdade
I passed my driver’s test.
Valentine's Day Subreddit Bombing?
Sex favoring Aces: How did you realize you were asexual?
How to know I love my gf as much as she loves me?
I'm ace and I have a girlfriend! Need advice with overthinking?
Help with my romantic relationship, please?
"Am I asexual?" – FAQ – etc.
What was a huge trend everyone forgot about?
Ze Gotinha. Brazil’s vaccine mascot