Everything I bought at Sanrio Puroland (there was 0 chococat)
You can only have 1 - fridge or freezer
Tess of the d’Urbervilles tv show or movie?
recs for books like love and other words
Actors that are aging/aged beautifully?
What movie feels like Oscar bait this year?
What's a popular or critically acclaimed film that you just have zero interest in seeing?
discography answer boxes - most hyped
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He wakes up and she is not there
Looking for an anime with well written female characters that are not sexualized
Who's coming to save you?
A line that stuck with you the most
My dog - Reissue, Harajuku Japan
The Nintendo store in Tokyo has ONE Donkey Kong item :(
What movies felt different on a rewatch?
Boneless Dog & Cat? Anyone ever hear of these 2? Came across merch in Japan.
Platonic romcoms?
Favorite scene from a classic book?
I don't believe Abby Jimenez = Emily Henry
Slow Burn...but they've already fucked
Anyone else constantly have your Libby holds maxed out at 30?
which book is this for you?
Popular Opinions
Which movie(s) do you think have the second-worst fans?