And so it continues
While we're shitting on Wikipedia, check out their article on "reverse racism"
The depravity of some people knows no bounds
Whatever could it be? 🤔
"The peoples of the Global South stand in solidarity with their fellow oppressed POC against the white racist West -- wait, what are you doing!?"
Says the person born and raised in the West, who has never been outside their Western country
Least self-hating AuthLeft
Socialists: in an ethnically/religiously heterogenous state, how will you manage different cultural perspectives on ownership, work, community, individualism, etc.?
Doesn't the existence of wealth inequality, as well as crimes committed by wealthy people, disprove the idea that humans are inherently altruistic?
[Discussion] Doom is pretty awful towards Romani people
Why do psychopaths torture animals?
MIT’s Black student enrollment drops significantly after Supreme Court affirmative action ruling
Why Trump pointed to a made-up meeting between Harris, Putin
MIT's Drop in Black Students Shows Fallout From Top Court Ruling
Could the US ever repair relations with the Arab world at this point? Would the Arab world even be interested in that?
[TOMT] Clip of a courtroom scene where character argues the difference between "fair" and "just"
Book where an evil character is basically tortured/tormented into being a decent person on threat of pain/humiliation/death etc.?
[Effort Post] Aid incident - Research - detailed notations and summary with sources