Did I overshare today??
How do you understand your cognitive function stack?
Random thing
Which type you wanna be so bad?
What’s your MBTI and how do you feel about putting your books on the shelf in this way?
Guess my age or anything
Unhealthy INFJ 5w4 pov on everyone
Is this a good thing or a bad thing
Ni users and insomnia.
What kind of people do you usually avoid as INFJs?
guess my age and gender
based on your MBTI what is your favorite style of music?
Stereotype me ... Anything: age, gender, race, relationship with my parents etc...
Give me your favourite song from one of my fav artists and I’ll rate is outta 10
Which subjects do you regret taking?
Do you also hate taking selfies or posting them?
What is my Mbti?
How do u vent..
How would your MBTI handle being underestimated?
19F Love to chat with someone
Is my friend entj
My school counselor is the best
How did i do??