How are u supposed to attack the opponent which disappears (Midnight)
Tips to beat Xiang Tzu
How to Play SFA on Laptop/PC on Windows?
Just fedup of Stupidity on dev end.Helga spamers one or two attacks and get full energy nothing can block shield of light become imortl for five sec and draw half of opponent life.
How He Just Teleported Forward
In fitgirl we believe
Please ban this guy
How would you react if you met a shadowfightarena dev in person
Starcraft wings of liberty
What kind of play is this π€π€
New comer
Meanwhile new internee got fired
New character design π
Latest Nvidia drivers bug, how often do you update Nvidia drivers?
Buffing Characters and Nerfing Chests
Xian tzu being a menace π₯Άπ₯Ά
Satisfaction of beating this trash
Nvidia on Fedora Y its so frustrating?
Caution!!!!!! June spam alert!!!!
Why Doesn't Jack Get a fortress of legion Effect as Helga gets aura damage against Emperor in Shadow Fight 4?
Suggest me Method to look Handsome π
Kibo need attention?
Lvls and Talents are a crutch for the weak (she's the most broken hero at launch since Itu)
Got it working on Tumbleweed !