Anti-corruption protests against the government in Serbia.
Tried out soft pastels for the first time 🌷
Gledam nešto po mojim porukama na IG i naiđem na ovoga brata
How can I improve this? I’m new to watercolor and am not happy with the trees. I used pen to outline the leaf edges.
Niš upravo 26.01
Some top and bottom combonations
WTF happened 😅
Maxi račun ah.
I made this fun little Lord of the Rings themed cake yesterday
U Nišu se spontano okupilo večeras više ljudi nego u Jagodini.
Policajac se nasmejao na posalicu studenta o "ljudima" koji idu u Jagodinu na kontramiting
Failed painting. I know its too messy but what else went wrong? (2nd pic reference)
Pazite sta pisete
Novi Sad, 18. 1. 2025.
$10 Steam gift card!
My mum is obsessed with pigs so I painted this for her birthday
Pressure/Throbbing in head when standing
Three boobies mushie cityscape
Old porcelain inspired set (hand painted press-ons)
"Winter house" 16.5×11 cm Watercolor/ Paper baohong 300 g/m²
I’m a little scared for my future
Kaleidoscope of colours
Alcohol and IIH
Auto škola marketing
maybe maybe maybe