I’ve never seen an arched roof/ceiling like this in a home. 5 acres in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Where is one vacation destination you recommend someone visit while they are younger?
Cats know things we don't.
Authentic cajun cookbook recommendations.
What’s an album that make your creativity go wild?
Sexless Sleepover???
Theatre trip, winter white outfit
What couldn't you believe you had to explain to another adult?
What was the iconic school lunch staple that everybody at your school looked forward to?
The before and after is astounding. lol 😆
Need advice
Are your plants struggling in winter??
Found dog in Micity
Anyone else find it funny that the Village People are actually performing at the inauguration after the Trump dance to the YMCA went viral? I love to see it.
Oh to be poodles owned by a middle class family in the suburbs
Prettiest fruit?
How many gables do you want? Yes.
McModern Mansion in a Sea of McMansions
My gf finally told me the real reason for our db
How to help my parents overcome loneliness due to old age ?
Cooking American as a non American
What's the oldest technology (product or process) where you can say with confidence, "Stand back. I've got this."
What would you do in this living room corner that’s minimalist, modern?
Americans that moved from one region/state to another- were you able to maintain your accent or did you adopt the local accent?