Just got these in the mail today
Where do you buy large pots with drainage holes?
Was I overcharged for locksmith services?
Feeling like I've made too many concessions because the other person is autistic.
What is a good song that is over 6 minutes long?
Another, “oh… yeah I’m definitely autistic”
What are your top 3 favourite bands outside of deathcore?
Can the color be "changed"?
I've never seen a maranta flower before
Does anyone else NEED noise?
Why does my non variegated pothos have a variegated leaf?
Any "Lighter" DR recs?
Going to see Alphawolf and emmure!!!
Paying the cheese tax
1 day after amputation and still not eating
Blurry picture of a cat
Got my first Data Analytics Offer !
how do you deal with guilt of not being able to help every animal?
What band are you most excited to see live this year?
Looking for songs/bands that rapid fire different vocal styles
Job Searching- Advice?
Rocking as a stim
Other women often seem *afraid* that I'll want to be friends--can you relate?
Whenever I have shared random facts in the past or shared otherwise info about my interests, people have either ignored, gotten annoyed or said:"That is wrong and old info. There is something wrong with your brain."
it’s my birthday!!