Anybody else get their golden ruler in the mail lately? I've been licensed for over a year now and I totally forgot Becker even does this.
Is my accounting degree expired after 3 years?
Only guy in an accounting office of 9 women. Tell me what it's like.
I'm gonna be jacked by the time I'm done
Thank you all, a follow up to an earlier post
Please Pray For Me
Becker is horrible at teaching BEC
When you realize not everything is meant for you
Even relaxing, can't escape the exams
I can’t stop gaining weight.
Please tell me I’m crazy
If you’re feeling helpless..
Fade Ready ✅ Nts on the passenger seat ✅ you guys already know what time im on
For those who were laid off recently, what was your main surprise?
This dude's Sunday reset routine
What the hell?
Do people really still believe this?
Does anyone ever blackout after the exam
Trying to get all of these COSO/ERM mnemonics down in the next 3 weeks
Getting the gears turning
Be Afraid .... Be very Afraid
CPA Wife Doesn't Know How Write Offs Work - HELP
Should I just deal with the debt?
Normal for accounting internship?