Should Bretonnia get access to foot knights.
Rewatched Last Jedi
Remember everyone its pious to defeat Bretonnia when you are playing Empire.
Bretonnia deserves just one dlc. Just one!
I'm terribly sorry Bret/DE/WE/VP/LM fans
Bretonnia dlc wishlist! week 1 LL: Bertrand the Brigand!
Is bretonnia infantry too weak?
All Bretonnian Armies Feel the same in late game. (hear me out)
Who is the wild card in the slaanesh dlc?
"I ain't no Bretonnian!"
They will pay!
The new khorne units can't be warband recruited or upgraded.
Who should get attention with an update/DLC first?
How is this skytech Legacy 4?
Hear me out: we should have one final 3 race pack after slaanesh.
This is a disgrace to Ze LADY!
Black dracthyr
End Times update / dlc ...I can feel it..he will not get any End Times units until they pull the End Times call in last few updates
Is it the end of the end times bringer? Or is it a new beginning?
Help with Chaos daemons.
What are the odds AOS gets a demons undivided option?
Think some of you need to here this.
What animatronic always scared you when your younger and why?
My very first tabletop army