Am I abusive when I say he makes me want to die?
What is this inside my Swedish fish candy?
CPS took my baby with an "emergency custody" paper that stated 2 days then he would be returned to me. He still hasn't been returned to me
How should I respond when I tell someone I’m autistic and they say “not you’re not”?
Had to get my wedding band cut off after wearing it for 2 years, due to weight gain :/
What’s the first time you realized you were an adult?
Sample procurement?
“Undercut” grow-out options
I told my therapist i am an active heroin user and need help and she reported me to CPS, 3 weeks later, the state took custody of my kids. What are my options?
Possibly brothers?
10 week old puppy fell off the couch
Is occasionally using dried lavender herb in the same room as my cats an issue?
Cannot cut this cat’s nails. She is too strong. We live in fear.
I think she may have given birth overnight. But there are no fry in sight! Is it possible they were all eaten during the night?
Has any parents went through something similar and it turned out to be no big deal? 16F
In all seriousness, how do I get my 4yr old to sleep alone?
Is it bad if we don’t get our baby girl any presents for her 1st birthday?
5yo child still soils himself, starts school 20 days
Do you let your cat lay on the baby’s stuff? (Play mat, etc)
What is the best response to "I hate you"?
Looking for advice on navigating a new friendship
When did you start giving your toddler “treats”?
Concerning comment my 4 year old made about private parts
20 yr old daughter issues
I want everyone away from baby