I am looking for horror movies that are actually scary.
Waiting for my Ruca?
Is this really a rule?
Calling off
When your manager lies about their crew
(Serious) What is the most disturbing documentary you've ever seen?
To salty
Overheard an older guy at my local Country Club talking to some friends about how he fired his Tax CPA because the standard deduction is so high that no one itemizes anymore and he’s saving $950 by filing on TurboTax.
Best Sublime Song Starting With “C”
Just Finished The Show For The First Time (Spoilers, Duh)
Do you smoke before breakfast or after? Anywho Morning Family hope y’all been good!!
unpopular opinions
Sleepy head
Where oh where is my lighter
Bedtime rhyme
Wife did a pretty terrible thing after a fight. Thoughts?
tlingit haida central council
Fall disbursements
does anyone know p ebt
Besides Sugar Cream Pie and Fried Tenderloins, what would you consider an Indiana classic?
Who the heck is Rome?
what's the best sublime song?
What's your birth totem ?
What’s your favorite scary movie that’s actually terrifying?
Who all remembers Mad TV? What was your favorite skit? Why?