One 9 month old and considering another - I have so many pros and cons. Advice please.
Thoughts on Spains 100% tax on non-EU homebuyers?
Austin Butler and Kendall Jenner?
Should we move back to California?
Taking baby out of the house
8 month old will not sleep unless she has a bottle in her mouth.
How old before you went on a weekender?
Aww London didn’t smile one time.
Why are you hesitant to buy a house even though your income is so high?
Masnou vs. Cabrils
EBF parents, when did you wean your baby and why?
Hydroquinone while breastfeeding?
Where do you think has the ‘perfect’ weather?
This sub makes me feel like a failure
Lies, but she painted a picture to the public like this was the main home she was raising them in. She did not raise her kids here!
When did your baby/toddler start sleeping 11-12 straight?
C-Section Mamas: How long did you/were you told to wait?
Anyone else leave NYC and desperately miss it?
Does your baby have a song they like so much it stops their cries?
Fake internet reactions
Of course she has to make herself the center of attention, dressed as an 18 yr old rave girl, riding around on the suitcase everywhere.
Daycare is the best thing in the world.
Places to live around Barcelona?
How long do people actually stay at night clubs?