What do we call this new entity?
My proposal for a rearrangement of the US’s 50 states
What country is this? Correct answers only.
This has to be illegal..
What should I name this red oblast? I am Putin
Election Gossips
My girlfriend got pregnant
Countries are Muslim, Half Muslim and Non-Muslim
If you had to be reborn into any of these regions, which would you pick and why?
The one card you'll use regardless of meta
🔥robot bug on the right meets real bug
a POV from the jailer, a relic of the Hijli Detention Camp era
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Getting the Next Location from Her... and the '8.8' Theory
🇺🇸 vs 🇨🇳
Shenzhen represents Futuristic! For our final round, which city best represents DIVERSE?
Why doesn't my pawn capture the King? Is he stupid?
Forgot this existed: song by kailash kher, someone dedicated to your female seniors
"Kazakhstan isn't European"
Am I bisexual?
My solution to the 2 state problem
Is there any narrow corridor like this. Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border. Namangan, Nanay
Student body?
ChatGPT searches of Indian states
What happened to my colt😭