what is my makeup missing? I didn't feel pretty
can you delete people and add a little bit more of greenery on the right side?
My (24F) boyfriend (28M) invited me to his work Christmas party and everyone thought I was the same girl he brought last year... How can I stop feeling so weird?
One week in Rome.
please help me remove people in the back
Wedding Makeup - couldn’t have done it without you guys!
F/22/5’2” [298lbs>186lbs=112lbs] (1yr) Trying to figure out why it looks like my core/obliques are showing even tho I have a 40% Body Fat .??
Which Justin Bieber song did you listen to first?
Youth churches / churches
Summer '23 in Portugal. Thoughts ?
white jacket
Anyone else having issues getting parts for 2024 Seltos?
Favorite After School Song?
Mom diagnosed with a aggressive stage 1 breast cancer and they want to do a year of chemo. Fasting for cancer?
Email from Mel?
If you have a remote job, what do you do? What's your title?
Tracking says "In Transit to Next Facility" for days without any other update.
What memoir impacted you the most?
First Time at WDW
How to smell completely like baby powder?
the best nonfiction book you’ve ever read?
Young professionals reddit meetup
Looking for advice. Just turned 30!
For the people that are consistently bringing in $2k+ a month with a side jobs/hustle what are you doing?
Worst American Airport you’ve travelled through?