What careers can you recommend in 2025?
Do you think life gets better after school? Why?
Does life really get better after school?
Which Avicii song made you cry the most?
What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?
What's a life lesson you think everyone should have to learn at least once?
What is the furthest you ever traveled solely for food?
What book is life-changing (or at least mind changing)?
What FOOD you promised to stay away from it but ended up eating again?
How would you interpret the lyric “the mind fears the heart but the heart doesn’t mind”
How would you interpret the line “the mind fears the heart but the heart doesn’t mind “?
What lyrics from which song did you get tattooed and why?
Meaning of lyrics “the mind fears the heart but the heart doesn’t mind”
What country do you wish to visit before the end of 2025?
What is your opinion on getting tattoos while traveling?
What is your favorite sitcom of all time?
What are your thoughts about death penalty? Is it fair?
Why dont you drink alcohol ?
What is something nobody could pay you enough money to eat?
ISO best/safest places to travel outside the USA alone as a woman
What gym advice should everybody know?
What daily habit has improved your life the most?
What is that one thing you really live for?
Bored people of reddit: what are some cheap things to do to cure boredom (with/without friends)?