Giveaway 3x. Looking for nothing offering below. Will select 3 people in 24 Hours. Can fly
Giveaway 3x. Looking for nothing offering below. Will select 3 people in 48 Hours. Can fly
Looking for shiny Fennekin evolution line. Offering shinies
Offering: shiny Ralts Looking For
Lf birds under 1500cp offering in pic. Can't fly
Mega lopunny 501251819430
Offering: shiny springatito Looking For:
Hi my friends make fun of me for being bad at the game😭
This was so unfair
For the people that dodged last minute I didn’t need you
Dusk mane ending in 10 need people 501251819430
Dusk mane necrozma ASAP 501251819430
Kyurem 501251819430
WB mega altaria 501251819430
Mega altaria 501251819430
Palkia in 10, be online. Adding first 9. 501251819430
Typhlosion 501251819430
Mega salemace adding first 10 501251819430
Mega salemance 501251819430
Lugia raid 501251819430
WB Lugia 501251819430
Lugia 501251819430
Lugia adding first 10 501251819430