Albums With the Strongest Riffs
It's been 1000 years
Just listened to this album for the first time, and holy shit…
There aren’t too many metal subgenres, you just don’t know the difference between them.
What genre can Gojira be classified in?
What album is a 10/10 in your opinion?
What metal band is this?
So, i made this ´´genealogy tree´´ of metal and i want to know how i can improve it, if it has errors, etc
Name a subgenre and an album that reflects it best. I'll start with Sleep's Holy Mountain for stoner metal.
I know next to nothing about metal, other than these albums fuck. Can y’all give some more recommendations?
Holy shit…
How do you feel about the current state of MFTM?
Name A Popular and Well Loved Metal Band or Bands That You Never Even Gave A Chance To For No Particular Reason…
ANNOUNCEMENT: Some Upcoming Changes to the MetalForTheMasses Community
Symphonic black metal songs similar to this
What's the most beautiful song ya'll know?
Need suggestions for death metal that grooves
What's a band that's super generic but you still absolutely love.
Thoughts on Maudlin of the Well?
Why do people keep calling mincecore grindcore
Literature that can make good metal lyrics
Announcing Topster Tuesday
Melodic/Symphonic/Tech/Prog Death Metal recommendations
What is everyones opinions on dream theater?