Most loved/hated cast member
What's your favorite closing credits song?
YoUrE TiCkLiNg mE
How high are you that you bring ONE glass around travelling with you?
Where is everyone?
Sophie looks great!
I drew Shekinah from the tell-all lol
jasmine’s most iconic moment.
Absolute GOLD
Florian saying what we’re all thinking - he is so unintentionally funny
So sad Ben Rathbun has cancer
Ugh, I never want to see any of these people on my screen again
The editing…😭
Mik's "Conditions" - A Comprehensive List
Why did they have to film Loren's crotch during the gonorrhea discussion?
As a trans woman. What the F*CK
is Liz’s boyfriend an actor?
Loren (guy) said the “girlfriend” test he used on the show was fake and TLC made him write it. This is his real girlfriend test according to his Facebook. This guy is ridiculous.
Is this guy for real?
Why such red eyes?
This is what Tigerlily does for a living to afford her lavish lifestyle
Did Big Ed get cancelled yet? He should after how he treated Rose during this scene.