The 1 million balloon Fiasco
Flipper unable to read gate control remote
Am I getting a fair deal?
First node set up and receiving. Now what?
Why is bad?
My new h2T
First Case Design
Is it possible to MFRC522 on Cardputer
Text editor for cardputer?
Heltec V3 3.1 vs 3.2
Buddy at work found all these abandoned locks with no keys while cleaning up the old building so he brought them to me. What a nice surprise first thing in the morning
Use Cardputer/M5StickC for Meshtastic communication
Making a sinkhole on accident
I live forever behind a mask
My Marker-Painted M5Stick
Hey, i am trying to get a many dukes as I can as I want to save up to buy a solar setup thingy. What is the best way to get money in the game?
My First M5 Stick Project
More people need to give no makeup a try! That stuff is bad.
So who's the guy with the rock hard cock? The impotent robber guy!
How do you get rid of void dwellers? They are so loud!
S tier pain is real
Bitcoin Card Wallet 1.0 – Manage BTC wallets, Sign transactions, Securely store seed with RFID, Leverage encryption, and more
Creating my own gear and load outs.
Survived night 126: Only 1 loot bag
of a dump