Is it okay to downsize when starting?
Is it okay to use tapers?
I think my smallest MHR ate my older one when she passed :(
This handsome boy I love to groom!
What can I add to my snakes tank?
Embarrassing groom
Really craving a snack rn
Zoey keeps her tail curled in a perfect little pompom when she’s happy 😂 so cute and satisfying.
Black tiger morph 😍
Help me name my pretty princess ✨
Found: dead roach w/ ootheca attached
I love this dog so much!!!
Butt plug
Anyone know what type of mouse this is?
Mini Poodle?
Any idea what this sap stuff is?
He LOVES wearing his winter sweaters
Can anyone identify this
Lil Cosette in her sock shirt
I heard a poodle rumor
Poodle Weight Estimate
Lil feisty Pom that likes to give me issues
Muskrat…. Why
Any good priced mechanics/auto repair stores
Has Chris ever tried to infiltrate the sub?